Thursday, December 4, 2014

Dear Spa Mom

Dear Spa Mom,
You are surrounded by little people, yet you feel so alone. You’re desperate for some you time. A trip to the spa? A girl’s weekend? Maybe just a trip to Starbucks by yourself? Or, 5 minutes in the bathroom with no interruptions? 

These are the things you are thinking about while your husband is off at work and you are alone with the kids.

 Maybe you are sitting in the nursery with your babe asleep in your arms. You need to pee and you haven’t eaten all day, but you don’t dare make a move for fear of waking that child up. You wish someone would stop by, quietly of course, and bring you some water, Chap Stick and maybe an energy bar. 

Or maybe, you have three young kids under the age of 7 begging for your attention. One is crying to be picked up, one is bullying the other, and they are all ready for dinner. The problem is that dinner is supposed to be picked up by your other half, who calls and says he will be late and he will need to eat when he gets home. Great. 

You wonder if there is anyone else in the world feeling like they are all alone and struggling to do what mothers have done since the beginning of time. 

You feel as though you spend all day meeting the needs of your children, and husband. You provide love, nourishment, safety, education and discipline all day long. You always put your needs last. But that is what all moms do, right? Why is it so hard sometimes? 

You think, “If I could just have an hour, an evening, or a day to myself to recharge my batteries I’ll be fine”. Will you really though? 

Yes, time alone is important and healthy. We should all schedule in special time for ourselves when we can. However, we can also find comfort, peace, and our sanctuary right in our own home while sitting amidst our children. 

In Philippians 4:19 Paul reminds us that God will always meet our needs “God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus”. However, there is a big difference between what we want and what we need. We may think that we need to get away in order to find peace (and maybe you do), but for others of us, God might be saying that He needs us right where we are. He also might be saying that He can give us what we need right where we are.

God can meet all of our needs. Nothing is too silly, shallow, or unimportant for God. If there is any sort of hole in your heart; whether its loneliness, boredom, worthlessness, hopelessness or feeling unsatisfied…God can fill that whole. He wants to fill you up and He aches with sadness when we turn away from Him and instead turn to other ways of nourishment. 

When we feel lonely, bored, or unsatisfied in our roles as moms the enemy uses that as a way to get us to try and fill up our tanks in other, unhealthy ways. Spending excessive amounts of time on social media, online shopping, over or under eating and alcohol are all lies the enemy tells us we need to feel better. 

I meet a lot of moms who feel that “just being a mom” is not enough and that they have to have something else in their life that makes them feel excited, productive, satisfied and important. Don’t get me wrong, having a job and a hobby is wonderful, but it should not be what defines you. God defines you because He made you. He knows the plans He has for you. “For I know the plans I have for you, “declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to five you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11). Whatever those plans are, seek God and find out what they are, and then and only then will you lead a life full of satisfaction and joy. 

I want to go to the spa for fun, relaxation and to have hours of uninterrupted time to think and pray but I don’t want to feel like I have to get away in order to be filled up, satisfied, and content. God has given me the gift of motherhood and I love it! I feel that the days, weeks, months that I am really in step with God are the times when I feel joyful, grateful, purposeful and satisfied doing what God has called me to do…being a mom. It is the times when I am out of step with God that I find myself drifting to find other ways to fill my tank.  

One verse I like to repeat to myself when I am feeling like I need someone to care for me is Isaiah 66:13 “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you”. 

So, Mrs. Spa Mom, If you are dreaming about a weekend away to pamper yourself…yet, that is just not possible right now, no need to fear. Seek your Heavenly Father who will pamper your heart, soul and mind for eternity. If you can get away to the spa, then still seek your Heavenly Father while those knots are being massaged out and ask Him how he can fill you up with overflowing joy and satisfaction in the midst of the chaos of motherhood. 

Father God, You gave me life and you give me Grace every day. I am forever thankful for your love, forgiveness and peace. Give me the strength to stand firm against the evils of this world and to hold strong to YOU. I trust in You, and I know that as long as I seek You, I will have everlasting peace with You. Help me to remember that a life with You is not free from pain, but it does end in life eternal. Show me the plans that You have for me. Guide me as I instruct, discipline, love and care for my children, and most importantly, teach them about their Heavenly Father. I love You. Amen

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