Monday, February 16, 2015

A Daily Prayer for the Man in Your Life

Father God, today I lift up ______ to you. I pray that you would…..

Give him peace that radiates through the most twisted up knots in his body.

Give him strength that comes from Your promises and truth.

Provide him with the self-control that he needs in order to stand firm against worldly temptations. 

Surround him with protection from the harshness of the world, and equip him with a suit of Godly armor when he faces his biggest battles. 

Fill his heart with overflowing joy and happiness. Fill his home with so much laughter that his wrinkles come from smiles instead of stress. 

Lay your hand upon him when he sleeps, and ease his mind of worry.

Remind him that the closer he is to You, the more satisfied he will be. 

Reward him financially when he works hard, and gives his money over to you.

When he looks for his identity in his money, in his job, and in his physical appearance, gently turn him away and bring him back to You. Remind him that his self-worth comes from you alone.

Keep his body healthy and his mind set on You.

Give him wisdom and help him make good decisions. 

Help him to live in the present, experiencing the joy of all of his blessings

When he gets worn out, give him comfort, nourishment, and rest.

Equip him with the tools he needs to be Your hands and feet today, and every day.


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