You Know Your the Mom of a Little Boy When...
- Everything in your house becomes a weapon.
- Any noise that sounds remotely like a fart is hilarious to everyone in your house except you.
- There is pee everywhere, all the time. How hard is it to make it in the potty?
- You get hit in the head with a ball at least once a day.
- You know more about trucks, sports, super hero's and dinosaurs than you know about anything else.
- 2 minutes of silence in your home while the boys are awake is more frightening than the sound of a tornado and fire alarm combined.
- There is continuous movement from the moment he wakes to the moment he sleeps.
- Clean clothes become completely overrated.
- You never thought you could love living in a house full of stinky boys (and men).
- You never realized how much a boy needs his Heavenly Father in order to become a real man.
- The unexpected hug, kiss, snuggle or hand held makes your heart melt a million times.
- You would not want your life any other way and you pray daily for time to stop, so you can cherish every moment of being your little boys mom.
God, You have placed in my life a precious boy who has eyes like mine and a smile like dad . I want more than anything to be the mom that You want and know I can be. Give me wisdom to teach him about You, and strength to discipline. Give me self-control to let him go and explore, and a six sense to know when to step in. Give me compassion and guide me in my everyday mothering. Let me be nothing but a wonderful example of what a Godly, loving, woman and spouse is like. May I never hold him back or influence him in a way that goes against Your plans for him. Thank You God, for this boy. Every day with him is a gift.
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